Panellists discuss religious texts during Abraham Festival event
Panel discussion featured representatives from the Jewish, Islam and Christian faiths.
By Metroland Staff
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Panelists Ziysah Von Bieberstein (Judaism), left with hands showing, Garry Culverson (Christianity) and Amal Osman (Islam) share the dynamic impacts of selected texts from their faith during the Abraham Festival’s “Panning For Gold: There is life in these texts” panel discussion at Mark Street United Church in Peterborough Wednesday. Clifford Skarstedt Metroland

Panelists Ziysah Von Bieberstein (Judaism), left, Garry Culverson (Christianity) and Amal Osman (Islam) share the dynamic impacts of selected texts from their faith at the Abraham Festival’s “Panning For Gold: There is life in these texts panel” discussion at Mark Street United Church Wednesday. Clifford Skarstedt Metroland
Members of the community were invited to listen as panellists from three faiths discussed religious texts and their impact on modern lives. The free event, held at Mark Street United Church on Wednesday, was organized by the Abraham Festival committee and featured three panellists.
They were:
• Ziysah Von Bieberstein (Judaism)
• Garry Culverson (Christianity)
• Amal Osman (Islam)
The panel discussion was moderated by Alan Boyd. “Each panellist shared the dynamic impacts of selected texts from their faith in their modern lives,” stated a release about the event.

Moderator Alan Boyd, left, with panelists Amal Osman (Islam), Garry Culverson (Christianity), Ziysah Von Bieberstein (Judaism) and chair and co-founder Elizabeth Rahman at the Abraham Festival’s “Panning For Gold: There is life in these texts” event at Mark Street United Church Wednesday. Clifford Skarstedt Metroland

Chair and co-founder Elizabeth Rahman, from left, moderator Alan Boyd, panelists Ziysah Von Bieberstein (Judaism), Garry Culverson (Christianity) and Amal Osman (Islam) attend the Abraham Festival’s “Panning For Gold: There is life in these texts” panel discussion, at Mark Street United Church Wednesday. Clifford Skarstedt Metroland
They discussed the significance of the interconnectedness of these texts with the other panellists. All members of the community were welcomed.
The Abraham Festival is a gathering of the spiritual descendants of Abraham. “We are Jews, Christians and Muslims who meet in a spirit of celebration and awe so that ‘we may know one another.’ We realize there are many misconceptions about the Abrahamic faiths, and we are strengthened in our celebration by our similarities as we endeavour to demystify ‘the other,’ while encouraging acceptance of our differences,” reads the release. “We embrace people of faith and those who do not follow a faith tradition, as well as all those who care deeply about peace, equality and social justice.”